OptiHouse seminar videos

Optihouse seminar

As part of the Optihouse project, a calf rearing event for farmers involved in recent calf research was held at AFBI Hillsborough on 21st August 2019.

Invited speakers addressed topics such as early life health, housing and hygiene and management plans to enhance the health and performance of dairy youngstock.

Video presentations

1. Steven Morrison (AFBI) Welcome and "Calves- The future dairy herd"

2. Gillian Scoley (AFBI) "Why is colostrum so important?"

3. Aurelie Moralis (Zoetis) "Preventing disease in young calves"

4. Laura Weir (Lisburn Veterinary Clinic) "Quality colostrum"

5. J Robertson (Livestock Management Systems) "Housing and hygiene management"

6. Aaron Brown (PhD student) "Optihouse on-farm survey"

7. Aimee Craig (AFBI) "STAMP- STrategic AntiMicrobial use in dairy, beef and lamb Production"

8. Don Morrow (CAFRE) Summing up and conclusions