Plant health and seeds - potato health

Area of Expertise:

AFBI supports a number of research projects into potato health including; 'The basis of potato cyst nematode resistance in Solanum species', 'Improving the detection and control of fungal and bacterial pathogens of potato tubers', 'Diagnostic scheme for the identification of European potato cyst nematode (PCN) populations' and 'Optimising control of potato late blight with effective use of fungicides and cultivars for conventional and reduced input systems'.

Project: The basis of potato cyst nematode resistance in Solanum species


Project Leader(s)

Dr Colin Fleming


To determine the timing and nature of the mechanisms operating within a range of Solanum species which confer resistance against potato cyst nematodes.

Journal Articles

Turner, S. J. , Fleming, C. C. , Moreland, B. P. M. , Martin, T. J. G. (2006). Variation in hatch among potato cyst nematodes (Globodera rostochiensis, G pallida) pathotypes in response to Solanum spp. potato root diffusate. I Preliminary assessments of optimal testing conditions. Annals of Applied Biology, Not Specified: (In-Press)

Turner, S. J. , Martin, T. J. G. , McAleavey, P. B. W. , Fleming, C. C. (2006). The management of potato cyst nematodes using resistant Solanaceae potato clones as trap crops. Annals of Applied Biology, 149:271-280

Turner, S. J. , Fleming, C. C. (2002). Multiple selection of potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida virulence on a range of potato species. 1.Serial selection on Solanum hybrids. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 108:461-46

Project: Improving the detection and control of fungal and bacterial pathogens of potato tubers


Fungal and bacterial pathogens of potato tubers continue to cause direct losses to potato producers by reducing marketable yield and quality and indirect losses by their impact on customer confidence, particularly of overseas customers. Measures developed by DAERA Science have improved control, notably of dry rot, but earlier diagnosis and better control measures would further enhance control of dry rot and gangrene.

Journal articles

Little, G. (2005). Validity of hotbox tests confirmed by specialists. Potato Storage International, 2(3):4-4

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2005). Evaluation of fungicide treatments against potato black scurf and silver scurf. Tests of Agrochemicals and Cultivars, 26:6-7

Knowledge transfer

Little, G. , Bell, S. (2009). Controlling dry rot in seed potatoes. AFBI Technical Note, 2 pp.

Cooke, L. R. , Clayton, R. C. , Wale, S. J. (2008). Fungicide Resistance in Potato Pathogens: Potato tuber diseases. FRAG-UK and Potato Council leaflet, 6 pp.

Turner, S. J. , Martin, T. J. G. , Jess, S. , Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2008). Pest and disease services to the potato industry. Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute leaflet, 6 pp.

Little, G. (2007). Potato growers upbeat about viability of AFBI technology. AFBI News Article NR06-07-85

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. , Wilson, M. A. B. (2006). Fungicides for controlling potato dry rot and gangrene. AFBI News Article, 16 October.

Little, G. (2005). Stop the rot!. DARD Press Article no. 175/05.

Little, G. (2005). Reducing relative humidity in potato containers. DARD Report to NIPMA, UFU, SPLG and Absorbo-Pak Ltd., March.

Little, G. (2005). Best practice vital for potato seed treatment success. Certis in-house newsletter, Farmers' Weekly, Farming Life

Project: Diagnostic scheme for the identification of European potato cyst nematode (PCN) populations

Project Leader(s)

Dr Colin Fleming

Project Objectives

Fundamental to proposing an international diagnostic scheme is the identification of the variation within PCN and other Globodera species in EU member state countries. The establishment of a viable PCN germplasm collection, representative of the genetic variation both within EU and other countries is the first stage of this study. This will then progress on to classifying their variation into a practical scheme based on both morphological and molecular characteristics.

Journal articles

Turner, S. J. , Fleming, C. C. , Moreland, B. P. M. , Martin, T. J. G. (2009). Variation in hatch among pathotypes of the potato cyst nematodes, Globodera rostochiensis and G. pallida, in response to potato root diffusate from Solanum spp 1. Preliminary assessments to establish optimal testing conditions. Nematology, 11(5):749-756

Martin, T. J. G. , Turner, S. J. , Fleming, C. C. (2007). Management of the Potato Cyst Nematode (Globodera pallida) with Bio-fumigants and Stimulants. Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, 72(2):671-675


Turner, S. J. , Rowe, J. A. (2006). Cyst Nematodes. In: Plant Nematology, (Eds. Perry, R. N., Moens, M.), C. A. B. International, Cambridge, U. K. pp:91-122

Knowledge transfer

Turner, S. J. , Martin, T. J. G. , Jess, S. , Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2008). Pest and disease services to the potato industry. Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute leaflet, 6 pp.

Turner, S. J. (2005). PCN Advisory Brochure. Information leaflet on PCN management for local growers

Project: Optimising control of potato late blight with effective use of fungicides and cultivars for conventional and reduced input systems


Late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans, remains potentially the most serious disease of potatoes; it is particularly problematic for organic producers and those aiming to reduce inputs. Control measures must be continually updated to allow for changes in the pathogen due to worldwide migrations and to the pathogens response to local pressures e.g. cultivars, fungicides. This project will focus on improving integrated control of late blight for both conventional and reduced input producers allowing growers to adopt the most optimum strategies for their particular situations by identifying the most appropriate combinations of cultivars, fungicides and other control measures.

Journal articles

Kildea, S. , Quinn, L. , Mehenni-Ciz, J. , Cooke, D. E. L. , Perez, F. M. , Deahl, K. L. , Griffin, D. , Cooke, L. R. (2013). Re-emergence of the Ib mitochondrial haplotype within the British and Irish Phytophthora infestans populations. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 135(2):237-242

Cooke, D. E. L. , Cano, L. M. , Raffaele, S. , Cooke, L. R. , Etherington, G. , Deahl, K. L. , Farrer, R. A. , Gilroy, E. M. , Goss, E. M. , Grunwald, N. J. , Kamoun, S. (2012). Genome analysis of an aggressive and invasive lineage of the Irish potato famine pathogen. PLoS Pathogens, 8(10):1-14

Andrivon, D. , Avendano-Corcoles, J. , Cameron, A. M. , Carnegie, S. F. , Cooke, L. R. , Corbiere, R. , Detourné, D. , Dowley, L. J. , Forisekova, K. , Griffin, D. (2011). Stability and variability of virulence of Phytophthora infestans assessed in a ring test across European laboratories. Plant Pathology, 60(3):556-565

Cooke, L. R. , Hermansen, A. , Bain, R. A. , Bradshaw, N. J. , Ritchie, F. , Shaw, D. S. , Evenhuis, A. , Kessel, G. J. T. , Wander, J. G. N. , Andersson, B. (2011). Epidemiology and integrated control of potato late blight in Europe. Potato Research, 54(2):183-222

Kildea, S. , Cooke, L. R. , Quinn, L. , Little, G. , Armstrong, C. M. , Hutton, F. , Griffin, D. (2011). The changing potato blight population in Ireland. Potato Research, 54(1):82-83

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2011). Evaluation of late blight control in potato cultivars for reduced input production in Northern Ireland. Potato Research, 54(1):86-87

Cooke, L. R. , Kildea, S. , Griffin, D. , Deahl, K. L. (2011). Phytophthora infestans in Ireland - an evolving pathogen. Potato Research, 51(1):101-101

Akino, S. , Kildea, S. , Kondo, N. , Cooke, L. R. (2011). The current Japanese population of Phytophthora infestans was formed through migration from other countries and domestic mutation. Potato Research, 54(1):101-102

Cooke, L. R. , Kildea, S. , Griffin, D. , Dowley, L. J. , Deahl, K. L. (2010). The status of the A2 mating type of Phytophthora infestans in Ireland. American Journal of Potato Research, 87(1):117-117

Deahl, K. L. , Perez, F. M. , Thompson, J. M. , Fleming-Archibald, C. , Thompson, S. , Collier, R. , Kildea, S. , Cooke, L. R. (2009). Characterization of Phytophthora infestans isolates from Jersey, Channel Islands. Potato Research, 52:341-354

Young, G. K. , Cooke, L. R. , Kirk, W. W. , Tumbalam, P. , Perez, F. M. , Deahl, K. L. (2009). The influence of competition and host plant resistance on selection of Phytophthora infestans populations in the state of Michigan State and Northern Ireland. Plant Pathology, 58(4):703-714

Deahl, K. L. , Jones, R. W. , Black, L. L. , Wang, T. C. , Cooke, L. R. (2008). First report of the A2 mating type of Phytophthora infestans on tomato crops in Taiwan, Republic of China. Plant Disease, 92(6):978-978

Hansen, J. G. , Colon, L. T. , Cooke, D. E. L. , Lassen, P. , Nielsen, B. , Cooke, L. R. , Andrivon, D. , Lees, A. K. (2007). Eucablight - collating and analysing pathogenicity and resistance data on a European scale. EPPO/OEPP Bulletin, 37:383-390

Young, G. K. , Cooke, L. R. , Kirk, W. W. , Tumbalam, P. (2007). The effect of field resistance, aggressiveness and inoculum concentration on competitive selection of Phytophthora infestans in Northern Ireland (abstract). American Journal of Potato Research, 84(1):122-122

Young, G. K. , Cooke, L. R. , Kirk, W. W. , Tumbalam, P. (2007). The influence of competition, aggressiveness and host resistance on selection of Phytophthora infestans populations in the US and Northern Ireland (abstract). American Journal of Potato Research, 84(1):122-122

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2006). Evaluation of fluopicolide-containing formulations for the control of potato late blight in Northern Ireland. Pflanzenschutz-Nachrichten Bayer, 59(2-3):303-316

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2006). Twenty-five years of phenylamide resistance management in potato late blight in Northern Ireland. Aspects of Applied Biology, 78:73-82

Deahl, K. L. , Jones, R. W. , Perez, F. M. , Shaw, D. S. , Cooke, L. R. (2006). Characterization of isolates of Phytophthora infestans from four Solanaceous hosts growing in association with late-blight-infected commercial potato crops. HortScience, 41(7):1635-1639

Cooke, L. R. , Carlisle, D. J. , Donaghy, C. , Quinn, M. , Perez, F. M. , Deahl, K. L. (2006). The Northern Ireland Phytophthora infestans population 1998-2002 characterised by genotypic and phenotypic markers. Plant Pathology, 55(3):320-330

Young, G. K. , Kirk, W. W. , Cooke, L. R. , Tumbalam, P. (2005). The influence of competition and aggressiveness on selection of Phytophthora infestans populations from Michigan State. Phytopathology, 95(6):S116-S116


Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. , Bell, S. (2007). Potato blight forecasting in Northern Ireland. In: Making Science Work on the Farm: a Workshop on Decision Support Systems for Irish Agriculture, (Eds. Holden, N. M., Hochstrasser, T., Schulte, R. P. O., Walsh, S.), Agmet (Joint Working Group in Applied Agricultural Meteorology), Dublin, Ireland pp:47-54

Knowledge transfer

Cooke, L. R. , Johnston, I. (2011). Blight Warning. Farming Life, 17 August, p. 4

Cooke, L. R. , Knox, J. (2011). AFBI potato blight warning. Farming Life, 27 July, p. 6

Cooke, L. R. (2011). Potato Blight Warnings 2011. Four press releases and Blightline phone service updated 19 times June-September (130 calls)

Knox, J. , Cooke, L. R. (2011). Potato blight control 2011. Farming Life, 4 June, p. 11

Cooke, L. R. , Johnston, I. (2011). AFBI issue first Potato Blight Warning. Farming Life, 25 June, p. 5

Cooke, L. R. (2010). AFBI issues potato blight warning. Farming Life, 24 July, p. 19

Cooke, L. R. (2010). Potato Blight Warnings 2010. Three press releases and Blightline phone service updated 18 times June-September (192 calls)

Cooke, L. R. (2010). The first official blight warning of the year issued. Farming Life, 12 June, p. 11

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2009). Potato Blight Warnings 2009. Four press releases and Blightline phone service updated 14 times June - August (113 calls)

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. , Bell, S. (2009). Controlling potato blight in the garden. AFBI News Article, 30 June also as web page under DARD Blight-Net

Griffin, D. , Cooke, L. R. (2009). North-South study tackles an old enemy. Potato Review, March/April 2009, pp. 8-10

Cooke, L. R. (2008). Celebrating the potato - potato blight: past and present: present - a new enemy!. AFBI News Release, 19 November

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2008). Blight Warnings 2008. Four press releases and Blightline phone service updated 16 times June-August (150 calls)

Cooke, L. R. , Griffin, D. (2008). Irish Team to tackle blight on potatoes. The Irish Times, 5 June (written by Anthony King, based on interviews with L R Cooke & D Griffin)

Bell, S. , Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2008). Getting it right with potato blight. DARD News Article PA134/A/07 and internet (

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2008). Potato varieties for organic or reduced input production in Northern Ireland. Organic Bulletin, CAFRE, March 2008, pp. 4-7.

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2007). Potato blight warnings 2007. Three press releases and Blightline phone service updated 22 times June-August 2007 (54 calls).

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2006). Potato blight warnings 2006. Five press releases and Blightline phone service updated 27 times June-August (97 calls).

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2005). Potato blight warnings 2005. Four press releases and Blightline phone service updated 14 times June-August (41 calls).

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. , Bell, S. (2005). Potato blight control 2005. DARD Press Article no. 169/05.

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2005). Potato varieties for organic or reduced input production in Northern Ireland. DARD Organic Bulletin, Spring 2005.

Cooke, L. R. , Little, G. (2004). Potato Blight Warnings 2004. Four press releases issued and Blightline phone service updated 24 times June-August (57 calls).

Cooke, L. R. (2004). Eucablight (a potato late blight network for Europe). Focus on 6, Invest Northern Ireland, April 2004, p. 1


Cooke, D. E. L. , Lees, A. K. , Shaw, D. S. , Bain, R. A. , Cooke, L. R. (2007). BPC Research Review: Variation in aggressiveness of Phytophthora infestans. British Potato Council Report R282, 47 pp.