Animal Health and Welfare

AFBI’s animal health and welfare programme is directed towards helping government and industry maintain and improve the health and welfare of our production animals.


Housed sheep feeding

Our scientific work includes; Testing in support of statutory animal disease control and eradication programmes such as those for TSEs, brucellosis and bovine tuberculosis; Emergency response capability for epizootic and emerging disease threats; Animal disease surveillance and investigation; Commercial testing services and industry support such as BVD and Cattle Health Scheme testing; Evaluation of the welfare impact of different production systems; and Research to improve the diagnosis and control of animal diseases.

Read our Privacy Notice to learn more about how AFBI's Bacteriology Branch handles your personal information in the course of its duties.

Read our Privacy Notice to learn more about how AFBI's Disease Surveillance & Investigation Branch handles your personal information in the course of its duties.

Read our Privacy Notice to learn more about how your personal information is handled if you participate in the AFBI Cattle Health Scheme.

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