AFBI's Equality Scheme

Part of: Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

Under Schedule 9 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998, AFBI is required to produce an Equality Scheme stating how it proposes to fulfil the duties imposed by Section 75 of the Act.

An Equality Scheme outlines arrangements for:

  • assessing compliance with the duties under section 75
  • assessing and consulting on the likely impact of policies on the promotion of equality of opportunity
  • monitoring any adverse impact of policies on the promotion of equality of opportunity
  • publishing the results of such assessments
  • training staff
  • ensuring and assessing public access to information and services provided.

AFBI's Equality Scheme was approved by the Chairman and CEO of AFBI on 27 June 2019.

AFBI's Equality Scheme sets out its commitment to the promotion of equality of opportunity, and good relations and how it plans to fulfil the duties imposed by Section 75 (S75).

Fair Employment Returns

AFBI has a statutory duty to monitor the religious composition of its workforce and applicants for employment under the Fair Employment Legislation.  Every year, AFBI submits annual returns on this data to the Equality Commission. The scope of the Fair Employment Monitoring Regulations includes leavers and promotees.

AFBI's Audit of Inequalities & Action Plan

The ECNI recommends, in its publication Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 – A Guide for Public Authorities, that public bodies should undertake an audit of inequalities and develop an action plan to address inequalities identified in the organisation and its functions.

AFBI’s Audit of Inequalities is currently being renewed.

AFBI Consultees

AFBI's current list of Consultees (Updated March 2022)

Organisations wishing to be ADDED to AFBI's Consultee List should contact the AFBI People and Culture office  with their details (name, address, tel. no, email address).